Wednesday, January 26, 2011

about to blow a gasket up in here...

The stupidity of individuals in this community is really starting to get to me. I'm not even sure where to begin, because I have a lot of stuff pissing me off, like when bad apples got in the esl ctf select cup instead of us and got dominated. Thanks kyle, love you!

Ok, inside jokes between me and the great bedard aside, I gotta ask..cod community..what the fuck is your problem?

Sure, the admins have been pushing ctf. And I still stand by the fact that ctf is a great gametype, and is the best gametype for blackops, even if people are too blind to see it. However unlike others, I do have the community in mind, and although it does annoy me to do so, I'm realizing that we'll probably have to go snd to make the game have a chance.

People know my stance on cod2. I love the game, but we shouldn't go back to it and splinter the community. That hasn't really hurt anything but ctf's chances though. Whatever, I can deal with that.

In the past week we've seen the resurgence of a "bring back cod4" movement by several members of the community. And this is where I slowly start to facepalm. As I stated on the bravo six podcast, the people who are chanting for cod4 to come back, were the ones stating how it was stale, old, and they were tired of it and claiming about going to other games. Really people, really?

There's a lot of things people don't realize here. Certain people I know have been going around trying to get random leagues to start back up cod4 competition. Hey, brilliant, lets splinter the fragile North American cod scene even further. Lets go back to cod4, have the same 50 teams playing on the same boring maps and strategy, and have 30 or so of those teams be cheaters... because hey, its perfectly acceptable nowadays for people who are blatant and have pb bans to be on our teams. Man, I remember in cod2 when people would crucify you and you could only play with 36 mafia...

Just because several "pros" are out there saying we should go back to the game doesn't mean its a good idea. You people don't realize that the pros are not what affect the userbase of the leagues. We should not be catering to the pros so damn much (yeah cody thaw, i'm talking about you, piss off. love you.) I love codsource , and think its a great idea and love what phear is doing there but there are more users than the 200 or so we can get there. and those users? aren't wanting to switch back to cod4. its the same arguement as the people wanting to switch to ctf. The vocal minority, if you will.

I've realized that blackops sadly will have to be snd to succeed. I'm compromising to save the game. If the game is going to die, let it die on its own. Don't torpedo the game by splitting the community further and going back to cod4. That's simply put the most unintelligent thing we could do right now. Get it out of your heads.

I could keep going on but I'm not going to. It'll just become incoherent jibberish where I call people idiots and drop F bombs. History is there so that we don't repeat it people, switching back is not the smart idea.

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