Or maybe the word I'm looking for is cluster fornication? I'm not sure. Wait, I know, that's two words. My bad.
A couple of blogs back I said we shouldn't rush into competition. We've all agreed not to but are having our little test tournies for settings. Low and behold, I was right about something. Thanks to jock yitch from bashandslash.com some major glitches were exposed in the community as of recent. One team, who won the esl ctf tourney, even had a teammate rat them out, get exposed and admit to using it (like we could have caught you, lets be serious. its the word of bf2 cheaters vs cod4 cheaters, no credibility on either side.)
What I don't get about that command is how they justified it. "Well everyone is doing it." "It wasn't specifically stated in the rules, so it must be legal." Now, I'm going to use cevo as an example here, because honestly I know their site the best, and don't have to hunt down rules. However I'm almost positive that every league has the same set of rules for their C.Y.A. (cover your ass) clause.
9.10 Game Exploits
It is illegal to intentionally utilize any game exploits. Specific game exploits will be included in the game specific rules. For any exploits used that are not explicitly covered, officials have discretion to determine the intention and extent of the violation. The default penalty may be a reversal of up to three (3) rounds and possible suspension of the offending member. Officials have full discretion to modify the exact penalty to suit the offense.Holy hell. See that? I do believe that specific command falls under a game exploit. And yet people are still arguing the cause. And I can assure them, that not everyone else is doing it. But go ahead, if thats what it takes for you to justify your actions, you do that. The rest of us will have a very hearty chuckle at your expense.
Congratulations though, You somehow managed to get caught using a near undetectable advantage. How smart are you? I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
On a positive note, treyarch is supposedly fixing this glitch in their upcoming patch, along with a lot of other things. Some (myself included) kind of think this is the make or break patch. We need this one to fix a lot of people's problems for the game to be successful. Anywho, now people see why I was an advocate of nothing happening before the new year.
Played CG's proving grounds tourney tonight. That was interesting. Falls under the giant cluster fornication category. I really loved the tourney brackets.(See here: http://www.cybergamer.org/tournament/69/) That was really cool and I loved it. I liked getting to use my tomahawk in a knife round too. Tomahawking onexia in match is something I'm never gonna let him hear the end of. I wasn't a big fan of the three gametypes, three maps idea that juve promoted for "keeping the game fresh". Newsflash. The game is still new, how can it not be fresh? Stupid idea. I've said that over and over and I'll say it again. Got to partake in some summit ctf (everyone plays it) and some crisis domination (was interesting.) Congrats to TOPMEN for beating us. Well played, sirs. I really enjoyed the ctf as usual. We played a domination match too. I gotta admit, this was my second time playing domination organized. My first time was against eMg... which lets be honest, that team can make you hate any gametype. They're just too good. I thoroughly enjoyed myself against topmen though. a bit closer to our level. I'm seriously starting to think I'm leaning towards CTF being the primary gametype. Have a few more test tournies to run through, but I like CTF the most out of them all.
My ideas for clearly defining a ruleset are getting more and more specific as well. Being the no aim loser that I am, I like having steady am. However some of those perks just shouldn't be there. If we had the ability, I'd love to leave in perks minus pro perks. Since we don't though, I'm currently leaning more towards no perks, but leaving in attachments (minus rockets/tubes/grip/rapid fire, no nova gas/stuns) And I believe that makes for more of a competitive ruleset as of now.
This game has managed to disappoint me in so many ways. The idea of the cinema/theatre mode is pure brilliance. But we all know there are plenty of problems hindering the game from being competitive.
ON a side rant, I don't think switching back to cod2/4 is the way to do that. Anyone that knows me knows how much I love cod2. While I will partake in the tournaments, its not the way to go, and switching back for a month will do nothing but hurt cod:blackops even worse. So as much as I would like to see it, I strongly urge against it.
Oh and BAMF is in twl hardcore finals, and semi's of promod finals. Str8 reppin, foo.
COD wise thats all I have. I think my rangers are out of the running for Lee with the yankees offering seven years. Freaks, they are. Can't beat him so we gotta have him. Werth was overpaid. I'm not scared to say it, suck it nats/phillies fans. Greinke here we come. And no Brice, Boston is not the team to beat in baseball right now. Suck their testicles all you want but they're not.
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