Friday, November 12, 2010

my day 2 rant on black ops and the community


where to begin. I'm not even sure. I sit here more confused than a baby in a topless bar. Its mind boggling some of the things I've heard lately. I guess before I call the front desk to see if reality has checked in to the hotel yet, I should go over what I do like about the game.

  • Demolition - Its fast paced modified version of SD to me. And I haven't been a fan of sd so far in what I consider a fast paced game.
  • Domination - Possibly the most fun I've had in this game so far. This gametype is a blast.
  • CTF is ok, but in a pub environment turns into TDM.
  • Killing people with a tomahawk is possibly the best thing ever.
  • I really like the options of letting you choose your unlocks. I'm sporting a galil with a nade launcher, with the clan tag representing on the side, the revolver for the side arm, tomahawk, the sprint perk, the hip fire accuracy perk, and who knows what the other one is.
  • I am a fan of a bo3 gametype....for now.
Please note. As I've said previously good things come to those who wait. Just because I say that I like those gametypes so far does not necessarily mean they're the best for competition. I'm still a firm advocate of waiting until treyarch at least fixes the lag/fps issues before we make any brash judgement. Sure, people want to go ahead and host the first league ASAP for street credit? Take a deep breath, stop, step back and look what anyone out there with a brain is doing. We have time, community, no need to rush it. Theorize, idealize, hypothesize, but set nothing in stone.

I think the game is fun and has potential if the lag is fixed.

I'm upset because there's no ftp access or access to the fs_game path. Upset because not only does this screw our mod maker from making a promod, but upset for my good friends like joker, who modding is a passion for, and now he can't get into it. However I find myself thinking how will they put up mod tools if we don't have access to these things.

Where there's a will there's a way: Thanks to the efforts of some people like hill , ted, swiftshot, davep and others, we've been casually developing some sort of rulesets and sharing them with each other via fileshare. We've yet to find if they save to the computer anywhere but we have our ideas of what we can do and where we can go from there.

After hearing some of the things proposed over the past few days, I have to ask, did I fall asleep in a spaceship and suddenly wind up in a world where apes rule, and humans are but slaves for entertainment?

Leave kill streaks in? Yeah, great idea. (not) hey, lets leave the rc car in too. Stuns, ehh I could argue for or against that. While I'm all for the idea of a little car going airborne crazy and blowing people to kingdom come this isn't a brilliant idea too. Or, OR, wait even better. Lets leave claymores in and put TDM as a gametype. Raise your hand if you ever played bhd. A tactic invented by this team called DFR comes to mind. Lets claymore every corner, camp and lean, then suicide if someone gets close enough to kill us. that'll show those socialist pigs! I'm not sure who got the memo that ctf should be no halves either but clearly they did not play cod2. TDM should in no shape form or fashion ever be used as a competition game type. I'm not necessarily for or against SD being left out yet. I'd like to see what people think after the lag issues are taken out.

There's this great tool out called Call of Duty Black Ops - remote console available on steam, which I have hopes for to be able to edit our appropriate settings we want for our gametypes. Hopefully we can get it working. Since you know, we won't have shit for mod access or ready up mods. I'm disgruntled about no timeouts either but i guess you do what you can right?

And then I stopped for a second, as a ray of light shined through the darkness and hit me like a cold bucket of water. Its only the second day. Why are we making stupid nonsensical ideas? Again, I'm of the good things come to those who wait way of thinking. I don't like running bad events and as such, I think waiting is the opportune thing to do.

So there you have it. Here's the tl;dr of it: wait until we fix the lag to decide shit. test as much as possible, set nothing in stone. Screw tdm. Screw no half ctf. Gun balanced. Me likey demo/dom. so easy a caveman can do it.

Thats all for now folks.


  1. Totally agree with everything you have said. I am fine with pubbing this game to the max for now. Thanks to all that are devoting their personal time to make things work.
